Index. Please scroll down for more articles.

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Peter Miles
9 min readMar 4, 2021

For more see my website

Index of articles. Image _ Flickr Creative Commons.

Thanks to writer Paul Ryburn, M.Sc. — Medium for the index idea.

Most popular

C3, C4, and CAM photosynthesis.. Is C4 Rice the next Green Revolution? | by Peter Miles | Medium

The light and dark reactions of Photosynthesis. | by Peter Miles | Medium

Remote Sensing of Forest Fragmentation and Drought. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

During Covid19 restrictions I wrote a short e-book of fairy tales ‘Grandma Came Out of the Closet’ and it is for sale on this link

Tasmanian Tiger or Marsupial Wolf? | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

Composting to achieve Soil Humus. One of the main reasons we compost… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Increasing hurricane intensity around Bermuda, is it Aliens, or us? | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Mar, 2021 | Medium

Remote Sensing Biodiversity with Space Based Radar | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Feb, 2021 | Medium

Electric Tractors are here, shall we call them ETs? | by Peter Miles | CodeX | Apr, 2021 | Medium

Botanical Names Explained. Since 1753 plants have had two names… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Remote Sensing and Image Processing Training | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Keystone species maintaining ecosystems | by Peter Miles | Medium

What are Monotremes, Marsupials and Eutherian Mammals? | by Peter Miles | Medium

Climate Change Timeline. We have long known of the heat… | by Peter Miles | Medium

Planetary Boundaries. A critical summary of the 2017 paper ‘Agriculture production as a major driver of the Earth system exceeding planetary boundaries’, Campbell et al., published in the Journal Ecology and Society. | by Peter Miles | Medium

Climate Change

Do we need a Steady State Economy instead? | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jul, 2021 | Medium

World Population Limit, what should it be? | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jul, 2021 | Medium

Whales could be a breakthrough in climate change. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jul, 2021 | Medium

Whale meat, can you taste the mercury? | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jul, 2021 | Medium

Coal, why we should not burn it.. It contains lead and mercury. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jun, 2021 | Medium

Climate Change Adaptation, Fresh Water Supply. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jun, 2021 | Medium

El Niño events, our most dominant weather feature | by Peter Miles | Jun, 2021 | Medium

Climate change duty of care to the Children | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | May, 2021 | Medium

Carbon Capture and Storage from a Point Source | by Peter Miles | May, 2021 | Medium

COP26 What we need to do now. With less than 6 months to go, now is… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | May, 2021 | Medium

Global Warming and Arctic Polar Amplification | by Peter Miles | May, 2021 | Medium

Using Indigenous Knowledge in climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Sahel | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | May, 2021 | Medium

Soil Organic Carbon and Climate Change. Let’s Just Do It. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | May, 2021 | Medium

Rewilding the Arctic Circle Regions Back to Pleistocene Grasslands | by Peter Miles | Climate Conscious | May, 2021 | Medium

Climate change mitigation future success in Jamaica | by Peter Miles | Apr, 2021 | Medium

Electric Tractors are here, shall we call them ETs? | by Peter Miles | CodeX | Apr, 2021 | Medium

Increasing hurricane intensity around Bermuda, is it Aliens, or us? | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Mar, 2021 | Medium

Elon Musk offers $100M prize for Gigaton Scale Carbon Removal | by Peter Miles | Mar, 2021 | Medium

Mangrove restoration. Regenerating mangroves by building… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Feb, 2021 | Medium

Seaweed reducing cattle methane emissions | by Peter Miles | The Shadow | Feb, 2021 | Medium

27 Ways Climate Change Heat Events Can Kill You | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Feb, 2021 | Medium

Climate Change Wet Bulb Temperature 35 Degrees Celsius | by Peter Miles | Feb, 2021 | Medium

Forest fragmentation is occurring in the Amazon Rainforest | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Climate Change comes up trumps. What we need from Scotland, COP 26. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Five things to do to help mitigate climate change if you can’t afford a Tesla Car | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

State of the Climate Report 2020. Australia has just released its State… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

Popular Media and the delay in Climate Change mitigation | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

Environmental Climate Tipping Points. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

Climate Change Timeline. We have long known of the heat… | by Peter Miles | Medium

Refrigeration and Climate Change Mitigation. | by Peter Miles | Medium

Educating women and girls and its effect on mitigating climate change. | by Peter Miles | Medium

Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing Blue Carbon. Sensor development in mangrove remote… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Feb, 2021 | Medium

Remote Sensing Biodiversity with Space Based Radar | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Feb, 2021 | Medium

Remote Sensing and Image Processing Training | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Remote Sensing of Forest Fragmentation and Drought. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium


The light and dark reactions of Photosynthesis. | by Peter Miles | Medium

C3, C4, and CAM photosynthesis.. Is C4 Rice the next Green Revolution? | by Peter Miles | Medium


Saltwater Crocodiles. Don’t go near the water. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jun, 2021 | Medium

Happy Easter and the Chocolate Bilby | by Peter Miles | Mar, 2021 | Medium

Wedge-tailed Eagle Australia’s Largest Raptor | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Mar, 2021 | Medium

Tiger quoll an endangered carnivorous marsupial | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Mar, 2021 | Medium

That time a kangaroo tried to attack me. | by Peter Miles | Medium

Three highly venomous snake species in southern and eastern Australia. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

Hunting Caribou with the Cree People | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

Koalas and Habitat Restoration.. The endemic Australian koala… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

Tasmanian Tiger or Marsupial Wolf? | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

What are Monotremes, Marsupials and Eutherian Mammals? | by Peter Miles | Medium

Keystone species maintaining ecosystems | by Peter Miles | Medium


Composting to achieve Soil Humus. One of the main reasons we compost… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Plant Potting Mixes. Plant potting media and fertilizers. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

The Wonderful Critters Alice saw down the Rabbit Hole | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

Soil structure. Soil structure can be described as the… | by Peter Miles | Medium

Soil nutrients. This paper aims to provide a brief… | by Peter Miles | Medium

Soil pH.. A measure of the acidity or alkalinity… | by Peter Miles | Medium

Soil texture.. My lecturer droned on…” Soils contain… | by Peter Miles | Medium


Why should we protect the environment? | by Peter Miles | Apr, 2021 | Medium

10 ways we have mimicked life and its survival abilities | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Apr, 2021 | Medium

Carbon dating is not an app for old people wanting to hook up | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Feb, 2021 | Medium

Ecologically Sustainable Development | by Peter Miles | Medium

Protection of Significant Archaeological Sites. | by Peter Miles | Medium

International Environmental Law. With our present global environmental… | by Peter Miles | Medium

Great Barrier Reef Classified Critical. | by Peter Miles | Medium

Dog faeces causing nitrogen and phosphorus pollution. | by Peter Miles | Medium

Review of fire management and conflicts in northern Australia | by Peter Miles | Medium

Winners and losers from fire in northern Australia’s tropical wet dry savanna. | by Peter Miles | Medium

Planetary Boundaries. A critical summary of the 2017 paper ‘Agriculture production as a major driver of the Earth system exceeding planetary boundaries’, Campbell et al., published in the Journal Ecology and Society. | by Peter Miles | Medium

Gardening, Horticulture, Plants

Kikuyu grass, St Augustine grass or Bermuda grass? | by Peter Miles | Jun, 2021 | Medium

Roundup, what we can use in the garden instead | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | May, 2021 | Medium

That time nature came to visit. Swallowtail butterfly. | by Peter Miles | May, 2021 | Medium

Propagating plants by cuttings 101 | by Peter Miles | May, 2021 | Medium

What exactly is in seaweed plant tonics? | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Mar, 2021 | Medium

Why does my Lemon tree have yellow leaves with green veins, and why does the fruit drop off? | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Mar, 2021 | Medium

Grow your own indoor plants with aerial layering | by Peter Miles | Mar, 2021 | Medium

Nelumbo nucifera sacred lotus. Is in flower now in the Astral southern… | by Peter Miles | Feb, 2021 | Medium

Make the Great Green Wall Famous. The Great Green Wall of the Sahara and… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Parasitic Plants. The host species varies widely among… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Botanical Names Explained. Since 1753 plants have had two names… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Five Popular Palms for Indoors. And what they look like when planted in… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Five of the Hardiest Indoor Plants | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Two of the best timber and fire wood trees for southern Australia | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Five Garden Hints and Hacks. Simple tips for better gardening… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

The Jacarandas are in flower.. It is Spring in the southern hemisphere… | by Peter Miles | Medium

How to plant a tree.. Including the Dryland Planting… | by Peter Miles | Medium

Safe Pesticide Handling.. Safety warning — Always read and… | by Peter Miles | Medium

What Street Trees Shall We Plant on Mars? | by Peter Miles | Medium

Fiction stories, some with facts

The Speed of Light, Electrons and the Big Bang | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Feb, 2021 | Medium

Australia Day 26th January. A Koala Bear Story. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Not about Climate Change, the US election or even COVID-19. | by Peter Miles | Medium

My e-book of fairy tales ‘Grandma Came Out of the Closet’ is for sale on this link


The benefits I have found of using this platform for publishing | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | May, 2021 | Medium

Adelaide and the Vietnamese Boat People | by Peter Miles | Show Your City | Mar, 2021 | Medium

The Great Emu War of 1932. Who Won? Hint, the Emu is on… | by Peter Miles | Feb, 2021 | Medium

How to Succeed in Your Own Business | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Feb, 2021 | Medium

Transhumant People. All things in moderation. Have we… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Adelaide Haunted Places. Ghosts, disembodied voices and the… | by Peter Miles | Show Your City | Dec, 2020 | Medium

Adelaide. Capital of South Australia. | by Peter Miles | Show Your City | Dec, 2020 | Medium

I no longer have Lower Back Pain. My experience with the high fat… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

About Me — Peter Miles. Sold my marina house, bought a small… | by Peter Miles | About Me Stories | Medium

Sugar and Slavery, Obesity, Suicide. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

Universal Auxiliary Language. A universal auxiliary language will… | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

COVID-19 and the Elephants in the Room. | by Peter Miles | Age of Awareness | Medium

Cultural awareness changes in post WWII migrants, my critical reflection. | by Peter Miles | Medium



Peter Miles
Peter Miles

Written by Peter Miles

45 years in Environmental Science, B.Env.Sc. in Wildlife & Conservation Biology. Writes on Animals, Plants, Soil & Climate Change.

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